
Meme Cronos

Be among the first to join the new token community that will revolutionize the world of cryptocurrencies.

The mission

The goal is to create a Multichain Token that acts as a bridge between the various Exchanges to allow the community to exchange Tokens at low commissions.

Create liquidity pools within different Exchenge (Bnb/Cake/Arb/Sol etc.)

To make all this possible we need to grow the community and we will create a referral system dedicated to our users.

Meme Cronos Offer

Total Supply: 50,000,000,000

1° Step: Private Pre-Sale 10% of the Token = 5,000,000,000

2° Step: Public Pre-Sale on VVS Finance 20% of the Token = 10,000,000,000

3° Step: Liquidity Pool on the various Exchanges 50% of the Token = 25,000,000,000

4° Step: Launch of the MemeCronos Exchange platform and distribution of 5% as rewards to presale users (the distribution of rewards will be proportionate to the percentage of the token held).

At the end of the 1st Step, 10,000 NFTs will be created which can be requested within the MemeCronos Exchenge by users who participated in the private sale.

Meme Cronos Price

1° STEP: 0.005 USD

2° STEP: 0.01 USD


Indirizzo del Token: 0x5a12763c33D06550B3B2f47dcC606585b3193C82

Payment and receipt of the token

Purchased tokens will be credited within 24 hours of purchase.

To speed up the credit you can contact us by attaching the Transaction Hash.

Wallet address



We recommend users not to send unlisted tokens to avoid losing their investment.

Ethereum, Cronos, Binance coin, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Arbitrum, Astar, Aurora, Boba, Optimism.

Bitcoin Wallet address 


We recommend users not to send unlisted tokens to avoid losing their investment.


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